maandag 20 oktober 2014

“Autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile."

Hello you, yes you! Thanks for taking the time to read our FIRST official post. We immediately took the opportunity to talk about our love for autumn. Now , Why do we love autumn? Simple…

Sweaters, bonfires, boots, leaves , scarves, cuddling and late nights


But now we may be getting ahead of ourselves. So I suggest we start at the beginning. We are two small town girls from Belgium with ,like most of you, a passion for fashion and lifestyle. As you will see , we have got different styles and interests so congratulations, you just found a blog with the best of two different worlds ;). For us,  fashion is all about putting the -je ne sais quoi-factor in everything you do and wear. We like to say that we have different interpretations of the same style ;) If you already feel the urge to find out more about our style you can always find us on pinterest:


For our first post we asked Imke eerdekens ( to familiarize us with the blog world. So we made a lovely day out of it. All it took was a camera and 3 girls with a love for fashion! It was a beautiful autumn-day. As you can see autumn provided us with a beautiful background of different shades of brown and green.

Lots of Love,

Vainilla y Chocolate

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